Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Jake Miller...Not Your Average Rap Star

I love all kinds of music, from the poppiest boy bands to the grungiest punk groups to the hip-shaking country kings. But the one genre that I've never been able to get into? Rap. Those quick featured parts in pop songs have always been alright, but as far as full-out rap artists, I've never been a fan. That's until one guy came out of nowhere, rapping about a message. Who, do you ask, is the one rapper to make it onto my iTunes list? Jake Miller.

Who Is He?
Jake Miller is a 21 year old from Florida who has been making music and fighting to achieve the dream for several years now. I first heard of him about a year ago when he followed me out of the blue on Twitter one day. Obviously, I thought he was a good looking guy, so I decided to check him out on YouTube and Spotify. I was hooked immediately, even though his songs were predominantly rap. 

He's Just Different...
So why was I hooked on him and no other rapper? His message. Yes, I'm guilty of tearing up several times during the song "What I Wouldn't Give." It's about how much he used to long for a career as a famous artist, dreaming about it every single night. One of the lines goes...

"I want it all cause I only got one life to live, and Imma get it cause there's nothing that I wouldn't give..." 

Another of my favorites called "Number One Rule" says...

"I got a dream, best believe that I'll pursue it, I swear I'll be the best to ever do it...cause I'll be number one someday, no I don't wanna be forgotten, I'll be at the top someday, number two's just not an option..."

I can relate to his songs so well. As a college student about to be in the "real world" in less than a year, and as a person who has dreamed about the ideal future and career every day for who knows how long, I take Jake's songs very personally and am truly inspired by them as I currently fight to make my dreams come true.

Watch Out Everyone!
Jake had one hit song a few months ago called "Collide," which had some radio airplay. But now he just released "First Flight Home," which is starting to play on the radio A LOT more than any other song of his. My prediction? This guy is gonna be huge. He already has a big fan following on social media, and when I met him at FYE in Philly a few months ago, the line of fans literally wrapped around the corner. Jake Miller IS going to be the next big thing, making rap a more universal genre as he talks about his longtime girlfriend, community issues, and of course, pursuing your dreams. 

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